The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg and the Towns of Bridgewater and Mahone Bay have Solid Waste By-laws which govern the collection of waste within their areas.

The by-laws outline the responsibilities of residents and businesses regarding waste management and include guidelines about how to sort waste, how to store it, what can be put out for collection and how much.

Waste education and penalties may be issued by the Outreach & Compliance Officer in cases where waste is improperly stored or disposed of. Questions, call (902) 543-2991. 

To review the by-law for your area, please click on the appropriate link below:

Spring 2022 Waste Bylaw Updates:

The Municipality of Lunenburg, Town of Bridgewater and Town of Mahone Bay have updated their Solid Waste Management Bylaws. Effective November 1, 2022, these items will no longer be allowed in your green cart:

· Compostable, biodegradable an oxo-biodegradable bags
· Paper coffee cups and take out packaging lined with plastic (soup bowls, chili cups)
· Waxy drink cups

These updates are described in each of the Waste Bylaws listed above. For more information about the Solid Waste Bylaws, call (902) 543-2991.