Businesses and residents are required to sort their waste properly in Nova Scotia.
Setting up an effective waste management program for a business can be challenging. Businesses can contact the Community Recycling Centre for assistance. To ensure programs success, management, staff, students, custodians/janitors and the waste hauler must be involved.
When setting up a waste managment, collection services should be reviewed to determine which collection containers are needed and how often they should be emptied. Businesses require collection containers for:
- Cardboard
- Recyclables
- Paper
- Garbage
- Green cart(s) for organics waste and papertowel
When a business separates their waste correctly, it saves them money. Most waste haulers provide different sized containers, depending on your needs. They may even offer dividers for your collection container so that you only need to rent one rather than two separate ones.
Businesses in the District of Lunenburg, Bridgewater and Mahone Bay can deliver recyclables, paper and cardboard to the Community Recycling Centre free of charge during regular business hours. Depending on the volume of your waste, you may be eligible to place your waste curbside for collection. Read about curbside waste collection.
The Outreach & Education Department can help you figure out which waste bins you need, provide staff training, sorting signs for waste bins and provide recommendations regarding waste disposal. Call (902) 543-2913 to arrange a time. This is a free service.
To find local waste haulers, search Garbage Collection and Recycling Services.